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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 25(6); 2004 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2004;25(6): 171-189.
유아용 감성교육 프로그램 개발 연구
이승은 , 이영석
Development an Emotional Education Program for Young Children
Seung Eun Lee , Yeung Suk Lee
Children develop emotional intelligence during the early years of life, and according to experts, emotional intelligence(EI) is a more reliable predictor of academic achievement than IQ. However, nowadays children appear to be low on emotional well-being. This has potentially negative consequences, not only for academic achievement but also for personal relationships. The purpose of this study was to develop emotional education program for young children(EEPYC). In this study, EI is defined to carry out reasoning in regard to emotions and to use emotion for enhancement of thought. Designed to facilitate development of young children`s EI. EEPYC is based on the four branch model, which is mental EI model and based on the guiding principle of Collaborative to Advance Social and Emotional Learning. The subgroups(curricular) that compose EEPYC are Emotional Perception, appraisal, and expression, Self-recognition program, Self-esteem program, Emotional Stress Regulation, Emotional problem solving & conflict resolution. EEPYC has the potential of fostering emotional intelligence. Moreover, EEPYC can promote a motivation, prosocial activity, and regulation of stress. This helps young children to develope cognition and emotion in harmonious fashion.
Key Words: Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Education, Emotional Education Program for Young Children
주요어: 감성지능, 감성교육, 유아용 감성교육 프로그램
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