유아의 어머니에 대한 나레이티브 표상 발달 |
민성혜 , 신혜원 , 이영 |
The Development of Preschoolers` Narrative Representations of Mothers |
Sung Hye Min , Hye Won Shin , Young Lee |
Abstract |
This study explored age and sex differences in preschoolers` narrative representations of their mothers. Subjects were 120 3-, 4-, 5- and 6-year-old children, with 15 boys and 15 girls in each age group. Using the MacArthur Story Stem Battery(Bretherton et al., 1990), observations were made to obtain children`s narrative representations of their mothers. content themes and emotional responses. Boys` representations were more negative and less positive than girls` regardless of their age. Boys talked about more aggressive themes and showed more anxiety and less joy. Five and 6-year-old children had less negative and disciplinary representations of their mothers than 3- and 4-year-olds. Six-year-olds showed less prosocial themes than 3- and 5-years, and fewer aggressive themes than 3-and 4-year while they showed less joy, distress and concern responses than 3-years. |
Key Words:
representation, MSSB, MacArthur Story Stem Battery, emotional response |
표상, 정서 반응 |