Korean Journal of Child Studies 2004;25(6): 89-103.
청소년의 정신건강 증진을 위한 독서치료에 활용될 수 있는 도서 탐색
The Study of Exploring Quality Books for Bibliotherapy with Young People
Mee Ock Suh
This study examined books of youngsters who struggled with typical problems in adolescent period. Literature could be used as an effective tool for helping young people cope with developmental change. In bibliotherapy, the counselor provides guidance in the solution of personal problems through directed reading. Young people would solve and overcome their problems after reading useful books. So we need to carefully select books for the Youth. Selecting high-quality books that match the young person`s reading level and interest were very important. Twenty three books that offer solutions that are likely to be successful in the young people`s situation were gathered by 322 participants. Method of collecting materials was through a questionnaire. In addition results based on obtaining books showed that counselors provided reading guidances and were concerned with quality materials.