Korean Journal of Child Studies 2004;25(3): 75-85.
외동이와 형제아가 지각한 부모양육태도와 사회정서발달
도미향 , 윤지영
Parental Rearing Attitude Perceived by the Only Children and Sibling Children and Socio-Emotional Development
Mi Hyang Do , Ji Young Youn
This study was to investigate parental rearing attitudes which are perceived by the only children and sibling children and their socio-emotional development. The subjects were 426 4th and 6th grade students in an elementary school located in Seoul and Kyonggi-do. The data was analyzed by SPSS WIN computer program. Two-way ANOVA and Multiple Regression analyses were performed. Within group variables that predicted children`s socio-emotional development were parental achievemental, loving and autonomous attitude, and school-aged children`s socio-emotional development was most predicted by parental achievemental attitude.