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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 24(5); 2003 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2003;24(5): 43-58.
컴퓨터게임 유형과 유아의 시지각 능력
이은주 , 이소은
Types of Computer Game and Abilities of Children`s Visual Perception
Lee Eun Ju , Lee So Eun
This research was conducted to comprehend the effects of computer games on the development children`s visual perception. First, the effects of experience of computer games on children`s visual perception abilities was analyzed. Second, the effects of different types of computer games on children`s visual perception abilities were examined. And third, the interaction effects of sex and computer game types were examined. The subjects of this study were 78 5-year-olds engaging public kindergarten located in Cheung-ju. To analyse data, percent, mean, standard deviation, and ANCOVA were used. The results showed that children`s visual perception abilities were improved significantly with the experience of computer games. And the improvement of children`s visual perception varied significantly according to the type of computer game. No interaction effects were found between a child`s sex and the types of computer games.
Key Words: computer game, arcade, geometric, visual-perception
주요어: 컴퓨터게임, 아케이드 게임, 도형 게임, 시지각 능력
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