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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 24(3); 2003 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2003;24(3): 45-56.
어머니 세대와 할머니 세대의 출생의례 및 아기행사에 대한 비교연구
민하영 , 유안진
A Cross-Generational Comparison of Traditional Rituals Parenting to Childbirth and Early Childhood
Ha Yeoung Min , An Jin Yoo
In this comparison of observation of traditional childbirth and early childhood rituals, 118 young mothers whose children were 2- to 2.5- years-old and their mothers or mothers-in-law responded to questionnaires. Results showed that most grandmothers, when they were young mothers, observed more of the traditional rituals than the young mothers in sample. That is, more grandmothers hung the Kum jul(tabb rope) and the baby`s grandparents named the baby. The young mothers of this sample were more likely to employ a professional name giver, they telephoned their relatives to inform them of the birth, gave a banquet, took more souvenir of picture, and were given more monetary and other gifts at their`s first birthday
Key Words: childbirth rituals, baby celebration, cross-generational comparison
주요어: 출생의례, 아기행사, 세대간 비교
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