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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 24(1); 2003 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2003;24(1): 61-76.
아동의 물리적 불가능 현상 인지의 연령 차이
이순형 , 조희정
Children`s Cognition of Televised Physically Impossible Events
Soon Hyung Yi , Hee Jung Cho
This study investigated children`s cognition of physically impossible televised events by age and types of tasks. The 67 subjects were 3-, 5-, and 7-year-old children from 1 day care center and 1 elementary school in Seoul. Children`s responses were taped and transcribed. Cognition about the events were measured by recognition of impossibility, possibility of replication, and reasons for the possibility of replication of the events. Data were analysed by ANOVA(repeated measure) and Scheffe
Key Words: recognition)
주요어: 물리적 불가능 현상 인지 (cognition of physically impossible events, 재인 (recognition), 재현가능성 (revival possibility)
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