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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 24(1); 2003 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2003;24(1): 77-97.
초등학생 자원봉사활동 실태 및 체험식 사전교육 프로그램의 효과 분석
이경희 , 강문희
Effects of Experience-Based Preparatory Education on the Volunteer Activities of Primary School Children
Koung Hee Lee , Moon Hee Kang
This study analyzed attitudes of primary school children about volunteer service as reported by 582 children, 267 parents and 236 teachers. It aimed to develop a program for the activation of primary school children`s volunteer activities and internalization of the importance of continuous involvement in volunteer activities. Two 6th grade classes were sampled for participation in the experience-based preparatory education program elevated the level of children`s motivation for volunteer activities and heightened their satisfaction with volunteer work. Recommendations were made further study.
주요어: 체험식 사전 교육 프로그램 (Experience-Type Preparatory Education Program), 자원 봉사 활동 (Volunteer Activities), 동기 (Motivation)
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