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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 23(5); 2002 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2002;23(5): 105-121.
유아들의 사회적 힘의 부정적 사용 양상 및 특성
박성주 , 홍용희
The Who and What of Children Who Use Negative Social Power: An Ethnographic Study
Sung Joo Park , Yong Hee Hong
This ethnographic study investigated aspects of negative social power in 4-year-old children and characteristics of the children who use it. The negative use of social power included taking the possessions of peers without permission, ignoring classroom rules, controlling, rejecting, and threatening others. Most children who abused social power behaved as controllers and were popular children or had a following within the group. They were physically superior to peers, of competitive disposition, and had a well-developed capacity for verbal expression; they were self-centered and had a high level of cognitive ability. Further areas for ethnographic research into the nature of the negative use of social power in young children include training in perspective taking, age differences, and factors that contribute to the development of negative social power in young children.
Key Words: young children, negative social power, ethnographic inquiry
주요어: 유아, 부정적인 사회적 힘, 문화기술적 연구
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