Korean Journal of Child Studies 2002;23(2): 49-69.
과학탐구 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션의 지각적 충실도와 조언이 유아의 과제성취도 및 초인지에 미치는 효과
Effects of Perceptional Fidelity and Advice of a Scientific Inquiry Computer Simulations on Task Achievement and Metacognition in Preschoolers
Jun Gyu Kim,Young Tae Park
This study investigated the effects of perceptional fidelity and advice of a computer simulation program(CSP) on task achievement and metacognition in preschoolers. The child`s task was scientific inquiry into the growth process of frogs. Findings showed that instruction using the CSP resulted in higher task achievement and higher metacognition than conventional instructions. Advice provided by the CSP had no effect on task achievement but both the perceptional fidelity rate and the advice of the CSP were effective in increasing metacognition.