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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 23(1); 2002 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2002;23(1): 153-171.
어머니의 특성에 따른 아동의 애착안정성 형성 발달경로
A Developmental Pathway of Child Attachment Security through Maternal Characteristics
Kyung Hye Lee ,Sophie Parent
This research addressed the issue of how mothers` representations of attachment are transmitted to children, focusing on post-infancy attachment and on maternal stress as a mediator between mother`s attachment style and child attachment security. Fifty-three mother-child dyads participated in a lab visit when the children were 30 months (T1) and 49 months (T2) of age. The Attachment Style Questionnaire and the Parental Stress Inventory were used to measure mothers` characteristics; the Separation-Reunion procedure and classification at T1 and the Attachment Q-set at T2 were used to measure children`s attachment security. The models were analyzed by Analysis of Moment Structure Equation. Results confirmed evidence that no direct pathway exists between maternal attachment style and child attachment security : at T1 child attachment security formation was related to maternal stress, but there was no such relationship at T2.
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