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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 21(2); 2000 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2000;21(2): 233-251.
가정과 학교간 연계교육을 위한 부모의 가정 내 교육적 활동과 자원봉사활동 참여도에 대한 연구
Family - School Collaboration : Why Parents Volunteer in schools
Jin Suk Song,Hee Kyoung Kwon
Korean parents and schools are challenged with the issue of working together to provide education and support of children. This study examined variables that affect parent practices and volunteerism, specifically : beliefs of parents about children`s education and family-school collaboration, relationships between parent practices and volunteerism, and teacher practices regarding family-school collaboration. Subjects were 651 parents who had children in K-grade 3. Data were analyzed using One-Way Analysis of Variance, Multiple Regression, and Stepwise Regression. Findings were that parents who thought they should be involved actually participated more in their children`s education, and parents who reported a greater frequency of receiving information about their children`s education and more invitations to volunteer actually were more involved.
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