Korean Journal of Child Studies 2000;21(1): 295-306.
초등학생의 정서지능과 이타행동과의 관계
The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence Quotient and Altruism of Elementary School Students
Young Sook Kim,Gyeong Im Baik
Differences and relationships between Emotional Intelligence Quotient(E.Q.) and altruism of elementary school students were analyzed by the demographics of age, residence, and level of education of mothers and mothers` parenting attitudes. Subjects were 469 sixth grade students in urban and rural areas and their mothers. Results showed that parenting attitude was influenced by mothers` living area and level of education. Elementary students` E.Q. was related to their living area. The students` altruism was related to living area and mother`s level of education. There was a significant relationship between E.Q. and altruistic behaviors of elementary school children.