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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 20(1); 1999 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 1999;20(1): 165-176.
유아의 기질 , 어머니의 통제책략과 유아의 자기통제행동과의 관계
Relationships between Children's Temperament , Maternal Control Strategies and Children's Self-Control Behaviors
Hae Kyung Kwak,Bok Hee Choi
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether children`s temperament and maternal control strategies were related to the self-control behaviors of 3-year-old children. The sample was comprised of 50 young children, ranging from 37 to 50 months of age, and their mothers. Mothers were asked to complete a questionnaire on children`s temperament. Situational observation was conducted for obtaining data on maternal control strategies and for children`s self-control behaviors in a resistance to temptation situation. All the subjects` activities were videotaped for 20 minutes. Differences were found in maternal control strategies and children`s self-control behaviors by gender of child and by age and education of mothers. Relationships were found between children`s temperament and maternal control strategies. However, children`s temperament had an indirect effect on their self-control behaviors through maternal control strategies. The findings indicated that the self-control development of children in this sample were in a transitional stage.
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