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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 17(1); 1996 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 1996;17(1): 245-258.
아동과 어머니의 기질적 조화 / 부조화에 따른 어머니의 일상적 양육 스트레스
한세영, 박성연
Mother's Parenting Stress and the Goodness / Poorness - of - Fit with Temperament
Sae Young Han,Seong Yeon Park
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between mother`s parenting stress and child`s temperament, mother`s temperament, and poorness-of-fit. The subjects were 236 mothers of 4- to 6-year-old children in Seoul. Data was analyzed by correlation, analysis of variance, and stepwise regression analysis. Results showed that most poorness-of-fit of emotionality was due child`s high-mother`s high (CH-MH) and high-low (CH-ML) combination. Most poorness-of-fit (activity as well as sociability) was associated with child`s low-mother`s low (CL-ML) and low-high (CL-MH) combination. Mothers who had a highly emotional child and who were in poorness-of-fit emotionality perceived more hassles and more intensive daily parenting stress. It was also found that the most significant variable predicting mother`s hassles and daily stress intensity was poorness-of-fit of emotionality, followed by mother`s emotionality.
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