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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 15(2); 1994 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 1994;15(2): 21-35.
TV 시청 시간의 조정이 아동의 TV시청유형에 미치는 영향
박혜원, 조복희
Influence of Adjustment of TV Watching Time on Children's TV Watching Patterns.
Hye won Park,Bok hee Cho
Two hundred and sixty-six mothers with preschool and primary school children filled out TV diaries for three days around the TV turning-off campaign day initiated by YMCA. TV diaries were designed to record the TV programs watched by family members as well as the focused child`s activities every 15 min. 121 families participated in the campaign voluntarily and 145 families served as the control group. The campaign group watched less than the control group even before the campaign day and differed in several family backgrounds primarily due to the difference of family members` ages in both groups. Despite participating in the campaign, 53.9% of the families among the campaign group watched TV and 35.5% of the children in these families watched TV on the campaign day. TV watching time measured by the questionnaire was significantly higher than the estimates by diary method. Participating children in the campaign increased in activities such as reading, indoor play, as well as video watching. In the campaign group, TV watching time on the next day of the campaign increased slightly than the day before it. Preschool and primary school children`s activities as well as the watched TV programs were analyzed separately for two groups. In addition, total TV on-time and coviewing patterns by the focused child with the family members were analyzed in relation to the child`s other TV watching patterns as well as their related variables.
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