Korean Journal of Child Studies 1992;13(2): 229-240.
한국 유아원 아동 어머니의 놀이와 일의 개념 - 질적인 접근
Conceptions of Play and Work Held by Mothers of Preschool Children in Korea
Hyun Sook Nam
Although play is a key element in child development, little research has been done on how play is conceptualized by adults directly involved with children on a daily basis. The purpose of the study was to determine meanings of the concept "play" held by mothers of preschool children in Korea. Specifically, the study sought to determine Korean mothers` conceptions of the nature and functions of play, and their conceptions of play in contrast to work. An open-ended/semi-structured interview instrument was constructed to generate research data. Interview questions focused on three content categories: (1) the nature of play, (2) the functions of play, and (3) conceptions of work. Questions in each content category consisted of four distinct types: (1) experience/behavioral, (2) opinion/value, (3) feeling, and (4) knowledge. The instrument was pilot-tested with two subjects, revised, and administered to eleven mothers of preschool children. Interview data were subjected to domain and taxonomic analyses. Analyses yielded two principal themes: (1) Play is viewed as an intrinsically motivated and pleasurable activity; (2) while play and work could be consonant, the values inherent in play and work are generally in opposition.