Korean Journal of Child Studies 1992;13(2): 113-128.
조선 시대 동몽 교육의 방법적 원리
Methodological Principles of Childhood Education in the Choson Dynasty
Jeom Sook Lew
This study investigated methodological principles of childhood education in the Choson Dynasty. The study was conducted through review of literature, particularly through the analysis of the textbooks used in childhood education and the Confucianism Classics. The ultimate goal of childhood education in the Choson Dynasty was the moral completion of human beings through daily practice. The methodological principles of childhood education were the principles of learning by imitation, early education, the inseparability of knowing and doing, education for Ye(禮) in daily life, sex-role education, and teaching with consideration of the developmental characteristics of the children. The scientific validity of such methods of traditional education is verified in terms of its many points corresponding to important principles of modern education.