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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 12(2); 1991 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 1991;12(2): 94-110.
유아의 성역할 고정관념 발달과 이야기 유형의 효과
Sex Role Stereotypes among Children and the Effect of Traditional and Reversed Sex - typed Stories
Yon Ae Hong
This study examined the developmental aspects of sex role stereotypes among children and the impact of stereotypic and reversed stereotypic sex role content on children`s sex-stereotypic thinking. In study I, subjects were 181 Korean children ranging from nursery and kindergarten to grade 1. SERLI was used to measure children`s sex role stereotypes. In study II, the subjects were 62 six-year-old kindergarten children of each sex. 4 experimental stories were developed haled on Hong(1991). A test-retest design was used to study sex role stereotypes and the impact of stereotypic and reversed-stereotypic sex role content. Statistical analysis of obtained data was by an ANOVA and two-way analysis of co-variance. Results revealed that 6-year-old children`s sex role stereotypes were higher than 5-and 7-year-old children. Boys were higher than girls on children`s sex role stereotypes. Children exposed to reversed sex role content changed significantly in the direction of reversed stereotyping.
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