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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 12(2); 1991 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 1991;12(2): 51-66.
취학전 아동에게 있어서 위상학적 순서 개념 및 유클리드 수평 수직개념의 습득과정과 기상학적 기초활동의 효과
이기현, 한상철
Acquisition of Topological Seriation and Euclidean Horizontal and Vertical Con - cepts , and the Effectiveness of Basic Geometric Activity
Gi Hyoun Lee,Sang Chul Han
The purpose of study I was to investigate developmental processes and sex differences in the acquisition of topological seriation and Euclidean horizontal/ vertical concepts. The purpose of Study II was to investigate the effects of basic geometric activity on the acquisition of space concepts. The subjects of Study I were 164 five- and six-year-old children. The children were grouped by age in 6 month units. The subjects of Study II were 45 children who showed immature space concepts. The data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA, Scheffe′`s posthoc test, and paired comparison t-test. On Study I, significant differences were found among the age groups in each of the dependent variables. Sex differences were found on all tasks except cued Euclidean tasks. In Study II, basic geometric activity of 3 weeks duration was found to be effective in the acquisition of the horizontal/vertical concepts in children whose space concept had been immature.
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