Korean Journal of Child Studies 1991;12(1): 68-77.
놀이노래 가사의 실태와 가사의 전통성 조사
Survey Analysis of the Traditional Characteristics of Children's Play - Songs
Soon Hyung Lee
The purpose of this study was to analyze the words of the songs in children`s games in order to determine the traditional characteristics of their rhythm and subject matter and to investigate age and sex differences in recognition of the songs. 71 play songs were used for content analysis. After this, 840 subjects in 15 grades (preschool, first to 12th grades, and college students) were presented with the songs. Statistical analysis was done by one-way ANOVA and Scheffe. The songs exhibited traditional rhythms (3.3 or 4.4) and subject matter (nature, everyday life, and family). Some historical events such as the Korean war, and current phenomena such as TV, were also included. Sex but not age differences were found in recognition of the songs.