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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 5; 1984 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 1984;5: 21-45.
한국아동의 친척명 인지
Cognition of Korean Kinship Name : Investigating the Children's Recognition of Cognate Group Ranges
Soon Hyung Yi
The cognition of Korean kinship names was examined in children in the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 9th grades (N=188) of public school. The task consisted of 43 items which identified the relative relationships of cognates and cognates-in-law. It was found that the main effects of age and residential area on cognition scores were significant and the interaction effects between the variables were also significant. As expected, older children performed the task more precisely than the younger children and children in Seoul performed better than in outlying regions. Under 15 years of age, the scores in Seoul were higher than in Andong, but at the age of l5, this trend was reversed. The gap between residential areas under 15 years of age could be explained by differences in cognitive ability and test effects, but the gap at 15 by culture.
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