Korean J Child Stud. 2014; 35(6): 25-46.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2014.35.6.25

The Effects of an Early Childhood Physical Rhythm Education Program on Rhythm Perception and Rhythm Expression
신체리듬교육프로그램이 유아의 리듬 지각력과 리듬 표현력에 미치는 효과
서영민 , 이순형
Young Meen Suh , Soon Hyung Yi
The purposes of this study were to demonstrate whether a Physical Rhythm Education Program can alter children`s rhythm perception and rhythm expression. To solve the questions posed by this study, 60 5-year-olds and 60 6-year-olds (a total of 120 children) from one child-care center in Kyunggi-province were selected. An experimental group participated in the Physical Rhythm Program which was carried out 10 times over the course of 4 weeks. The results indicated that the Physical Rhythm Program positively improved the children`s rhythm perception and rhythm expression. In particular, the Physical Rhythm Program was more effective in producing effects upon six-year-olds` rhythm perception and rhythm expression (verbal, instrumental and physical expression) than five-year-olds` rhythm expression (instrumental and physical expression).
Key words : rhythm perception, rhythm expression, rhythm education of children, physical rhythm education
주요어 : 리듬지각력 ; 리듬표현력 ; 유아리듬교육 ; 신체리듬교육