Korean J Child Stud. 2014; 35(1): 17-41.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2014.35.1.17

A Case Study of Sandplay Therapy for an Elementary School Boy Living in a Small Income Fatherless Family Who Exhibits Maladjustments in Both School and Home
학교와 가정에서 부적응 문제를 보이는 저소득 모자가정 초등학생 남아의 모래놀이치료 사례연구
Hee Og Sim
This study explored the sand play therapy case of a 5th grade boy who was living in a small income fatherless family from the viewpoints of both sand play theory and related literatures. The goal of the therapy was to lessen his difficulties under the free and protected space of sand play therapy. This study comprised 59 sessions of sand play therapy. The subject exhibited his situations in the initial parts of therapy(1~5, the preparation for war against enemies) by putting miniatures related to Egypt and by placing Indians who were keeping the house from enemies. In the intermediate sessions(6~47, holding a ceremony), he repeated burning rituals, played finding treasures, and exhibited both struggle and construction. In the final parts(48~59, integration), he showed integration by expressing the adaptation to the collective. This study indicated the effectiveness of sand play therapy, because his maladjustments in both school and home were reduced.
Key words : sandplay therapy, small income fatherless family, ritual, alchemy
주요어 : 모래놀이치료 ; 저소득 모자가정 ; 의식 ; 연금술