Korean J Child Stud. 2012; 33(1): 183-203.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2012.33.1.183

The Construction of the Domains and Indicators Measuring and Monitoring Children`s Well-Being in Korea
한국의 아동 웰빙 지표 구축을 위한 기초 연구: 아동 웰빙 지표의 영역과 세부 지표를 중심으로
공인숙 , 김선영
In Sook Kang , Sun Young Kim
While efforts to measure and monitor children`s well-being have gained increasing recognition across the OECD, there has been relatively little research on the subject of indicators of children`s well-being in Korea. This study was undertaken in order to develop the domains and indicators which can be used to measure the quality of life of Korean children from birth to age 17 and to put forward a possible well-being index for Korean children. The 35 indicators of well-being were grouped into eight domains and were designed for this study, using previous research on key child indicators for Korea and the child well-being index in foreign countries, such as the FCD-Land Index, Kids Count, the index of child well-bing in the European Union and OECD area. These domains are composed of the following:economic well-being, health, education, spiritual/emotional well-being, children`s relationships, civic participation, safety/risk behavior, and housing and environment. The establishment of a Korean children`s well-being index requires access to and use of national statistical data analyzed annually by the government as well as a general consensus regarding such issues as scope and its indicators.
Key words : child indicators, children well-being
주요어 : 아동 지표 ; 아동 웰빙