Korean J Child Stud. 2005; 26(1): 47-59.

Development of a Scale for Identification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders in Newborn- to Three-Year-Old Children
0-3세 영유아의 정신건강 및 발달장애 조기진단을 위한 척도제작 연구
Mi Kyung Jang
The Early Life Problems Scale consisting of 5-point rating for each item was prepared from the results of a questionnaire of 163 items with two sub scales constructed on the basis of Diagnostic Classification 0-3. Respondents were 361 parents with newborn to 3-year-old children (197 boys and 164 girls). Hypothetical constructs of mental and developmental problems were identified by exploratory factor analysis. The resulting 22 factors explained 58.5% and 72.9% of the common variance for scales Ⅰ and Ⅱ, respectively. The rotation procedure yielded 134 items of which 118 had factor loadings of more than .30. Face validity was obtained on the basis of 18 items. The coefficients of correlation between and within factors suggest that there are interrelationships. The reliability of total scales by Cronbach`s Alpha was relatively high.
Key words : infant mental health, developmental disorders, early identification, early intervention
주요어 : 영유아 정신건강 ; 발달장애 ; 조기진단 ; 조기개입