Korean J Child Stud. 2004; 25(5): 179-191.

The Cognitive Cuing of 3- and 5-year-old Children in Emotional Inference Task -According to Cue Type, and Situation-emotion Fit-
정서추론 과제에서 3세 및 5세 유아의 인지적 단서활용 -단서의 종류 및 상황-정서 일치 여부를 중심으로-
정현심 , 이순형
Hyun Sim Jung , Soon Hyung Yi
An emotion inference task was used to investigate children`s cognitive cuing by age, cue type, and situation-emotion fit. Subjects were 41 of 3-, and 5-year-old children from two different day-care centers in Seoul and Kyonggi province. Each child was individually interviewed with pictorial tasks. 5-year-old children demonstrated more cuing, thinking, and application responses than 3-year-old children. Particularly, they showed more situation and thinking responses in situation-emotion match than in situation-emotion mismatch. 3-year-old children showed more past-oriented responses than 5-year-old children. In the interpersonal cue story, there were more situation, past-oriented and thinking responses than in the interobjective ones. The interpersonal cue story produced more situation responses in situation-emotion match than in situation-emotion mismatch.
Key words : cognitive cuing, cue type, situation-emotion fit
주요어 : 인지적 단서활용 ; 단서의 종류 ; 상황-정서 일치여부