Korean J Child Stud. 1999; 20(4): 231-245.

The Relationship between Fathers' Child Rearing - Behavior and the Competencies of Young Children
아버지의 양육행동과 유아의 생활능력간의 관계
Hyun Mee Roh,In Joen Park
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between fathers` child-rearing behavior and the competencies of their children and to suggest ways in which fathers can exert a positive influence on their children. The subjects were the fathers and mothers of 649 six- to seven-year-old children attending schools located in T city. Data was analyzed by frequency, percentile, mean, standard deviation, correlation analysis and canonical correlation analysis. Results showed that "limit setting" was the most frequently used child rearing behavior by fathers. On the other hand fathers` "reasoning guidance" was correlated with children`s personalities and intellectual competencies.