Korean J Child Stud. 1986; 7(1): 25-47.

A Study of the Feared objets of Primary School Children.
아동의 공포대상에 관한 조사연구 - 7 ~ 12세의 국민학교 아동을 중심으로 -
Kyoung Hee Lee
The present research is a study of the feared objects of children between 7 and 12 years of age. The data consisted of the replies to a questionnaire by 802 children and their mothers in Chun Chon City and Chunsung and Wonsung Counties plus. The questionnaire was divided into parts: 6 questions were designed to be answered by the children and 22 by their mothers. The children were asked about their feared objects, feared places, and feared colors, whereas their mothers about their own feared objects plus the backgrounds of their children`s fear-objects. Frequency, percentage, and X