어린이집 만 4세 유아의 순수 놀이공간 및 놀이성과 놀이행동 간의 관계 |
남진경 , 김명순 |
The Relationships among Play Space, Play Behaviors and Playfulness of 4-Year Old Children in Childcare Centers |
Jin Kyung Nam , Myoung Soon Kim |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between play behaviors and young children`s playfulness in a variety of play space environments. The subjects were 150 4-year old children of 29 mixed-age classes in childcare centers of Seoul and Gyeonggi area. The results were as follows; (1) Their play behaviors differed according to their play environment in terms of classroom spaces. Solitary-active play behaviors were more frequently observed in large play spaces than small. (2) Leading participation, cognitive flexibility, voluntary full immersion, and total playfulness scores correlated negatively with reticent behavior. Leading participation, voluntary full immersion, and total playfulness scores, on the other hand, correlated positively with group play behavior. (3) In small play spaces, leading participation, voluntary full immersion correlated negatively with reticent behavior, but leading participation correlated positively with group play. In middle play spaces, cognitive flexibility correlated negatively with reticent behavior. In large play spaces, voluntary full immersion correlated negatively with parallel play, but leading participation, cognitive flexibility, expressions of joy, voluntary full immersion, and total playfulness score correlated positively with group play. |
Key Words:
play behavior, play space, play space per child, solitary play behavior, playfulness |
놀이행동, 놀이공간, 유아 1인당 면적, 혼자놀이 행동, 놀이성 |