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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 33(4); 2012 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2012;33(4): 91-106.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2012.33.4.91
영아반 그림책 읽기 활동, 교사의 언어적,비언어적 행동 및 영아의 어휘력 간의 관계
정지은 , 김명순
The Relationship between Toddlers` Vocabulary Ability,Classroom Reading Activities andTeachers` Verbal and Nonverbal Behaviors during Book Reading
Jee Eun Jeung , Myoung Soon Kim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship of toddlers` vocabulary ability with reading activities and teachers` verbal and nonverbal behaviors during book reading. The subjects were 52 teachers and 104 toddlers at age 2. Lee and Kim (2004)`s categories of the Teachers` Verbal Behaviors, the categories of the Nonverbal Behavioral Analysis(Kim. 2005), and the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised (Kim, et al.1995) were used. The data was analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, and Correlations. The results indicated that there were significant correlations in the subcategories of reading activities in classrooms, teachers` picture book reading behaviors, and toddler`s vocabulary ability. The toddler`s vocabulary ability increased as the ``interacting time both before and after book reading`` became longer. The toddler`s vocabulary ability increased as ``connecting with previous experience``, ``asking questions for confirmation``, ``acknowledging,`` and ``expanding`` of verbal behavior, as well as the nonverbal behavior, such as ``requesting behavior``, ``emotional contact,`` and ``empathetic behavior.`` In conclusion, teachers` reading behaviors and activities were related to toddlers` vocabulary ability.
Key Words: reading activities in classrooms, teacher`s picture book reading behaviors, toddler`s vocabulary ability
주요어: 그림책읽기 활동, 교사의 그림책읽기 행동, 영아의 어휘력
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