The Early Adaptation of Infants at Child Care Centers According to the Characteristics of the Infants, Mothers and Child Care Teachers
Jeong Hee Lee , Eun Ju Park
This study aims to investigate any differences which exist in the early adaptation of infants at child care center according to the characteristics of the infants themselves, their mothers and their child care teachers. The subjects consisted of the infants themselves, their mothers, and teachers at 11 child care centers in Chung-nam and Daejeon cities. Data were collected by means of the PAQ (The Preschool Adjustment Questionnaire) and questionnaires regarding the rearing attitudes of the mothers. For the purpose of data analysis, a T-test and one-way ANOVA were used. The results were as follows. First, there were significant differences in terms of the early adaptation of infants according to their ages and their length of experience in child care centers. Second, there were no significant differences in the early adaptation of infants according to the child rearing attitudes of the mothers and between unemployed mothers and the employed mothers. Third, there were significant differences in the early adaptation of infants according to the child care teachers` level of career experience and their ages.