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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 33(3); 2012 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2012;33(3): 177-197.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2012.33.3.177
유아 교실 내 다문화교육 수행에 대한 교사 인식 및 실제
견주연 , 하은실 , 정계숙
Teachers` Perceptions and Practices in the Early Childhood Classroom The Implementation of Multicultural Education
Ju Youn Kyun , Eun Sil Ha , Kai Sook Chung
The purpose of this study is to discuss current problems and the directionality of multicultural education by examining the perceptions of teachers regarding the implementation of multicultural education and the actual practice of it within early childhood classroom. The study participants included a total of 7 teachers and 41 young children (3 children from multicultural families). Data were gathered by in-depth interviews with 7 teachers and non-participant observations in two classrooms. The results of our examination of teachers` perceptions of multicultural education were as follows. It is addressed only when there are children from multicultural families present in the classroom. Furthermore, it is only addressed in terms of specific life themes, and it requires external supporting instruction and resources because it is difficult to implement multicultural education by most teachers. The current practice of multicultural education is being addressed through an assimilative approach. It was also clear that teachers respond ambivalently to the issue of cultural particularity in children from multicultural families and use an individualized educational approach situated within the cultural deficit model. etc. Based on these results, the implications and limitations were also discussed.
Key Words: multicultural education, early childhood teacher, perception, practices
주요어: 다문화교육, 유아교사, 인식, 실제
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