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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 32(1); 2011 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2011;32(1): 87-101.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2011.32.1.87
유아학습행동 유형에 따른 유아의 자기조절, 인지양식, 문제행동과 어머니의 양육신념, 학습지원행동
정태회 , 박경자
Preschooler`s Characteristics, Mother`s Beliefs and Involvement According to Preschool Learning Behaviors
Tae Hwoi Chung , Kyung Ja Park
This study employed a child-centered approach in the examination of patterns of preschooler`s learning behaviors. A hierarchical cluster analysis was employed in order to discern a meaningful typology of such behavior. The subjects consisted of 232 children (117 boys, 106 girls) and their mothers from 6 kindergartens and 6 day care centers. The results of this study were as follows. The cluster analysis yielded five types of learning behaviors; the competent type, the average type, the low attention/persistence type, the low motivation -attitude type, and the deficient type. The most consistent level differences among these types appeared to lie in distinctions among the average Attention/Persistence scores. The composition of the cluster types, including both the age and gender of the children, was ascertained. Our results indicated that preschool learning behavior types could be seen to differentially relate to children`s self-regulation, cognitive styles, problem behaviors, and the level of maternal involvement. It was revealed that a child`s characteristics was more important than maternal involvement and beliefs. As there were more girls and older children in the learning type, this type was seen to be more competent.
Key Words: Learning behaviors type, self-regulation, cognitive style, problem behaviors, maternal involvement, mother`s belief
주요어: 학습행동 유형, 자기조절, 인지 양식, 문제행동, 어머니의 학습지원 행동, 어머니 양육신념
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