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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 31(6); 2010 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2010;31(6): 1-13.
아동의 학업성취 발달궤적의 대한 사교육의 시간 의존적 효과
The Time-dependent Effects of changes in private Education on the Developmental Trajectories of Academic Achievement Among Early Adolescents
Ju Lie Lee
This study examined the time-dependent effects of changes in private education on the trajectories of academic achievement among early adolescents. Five-wave data was employed from the KYPS; the participants being 2844 (1524 boys, 1320 girls). All were 4th graders in 2004 and became 8th graders in 2008. Latent growth curve model indicated that academic achievement significantly decreased over the five time points, but there were significant individual differences as well. Participants who reported higher initial levels of academic achievement tended to decrease in academic achievement more slowly over time compared to participants who reported lower levels of initial academic achievement. The effects of private education on academic achievement were at their most powerful when participants were in the 4th grade. Private educational experiences among 6th graders had relatively less influence upon the academic achievement of 7th graders.
Key Words: Developmental trajectory, Private education, Academic achievement, Time dependent effect
주요어: 발달궤적, 사교육, 학업 성취, 시간 의존적 효과
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