Korean Journal of Child Studies 2005;26(2): 43-53.
4, 5세 아동의 기수성 발달과 인지 발달의 관계: 분석과 처리통제이론을 중심으로
이귀옥 , 이혜련
Relationship between Understanding of Cardinality and Development of Cognitive Processing in 4- 5o 5-Yeoar-Olds
Kwee Ock Lee , Hae Ryoun Lee
The purpose of this study was to investigate children``s acquisition of cardinality in terms of a framework that isolates two cognitive components, analysis of knowledge and control of processing. The subjects were 30 4-and 5- year-olds who were asked to solve three problems that required an understanding of cardinality. The problems were designed to place different demands on these processing components and examine their involvement in specific problems. The results show the 5-year-olds performed on the tasks than the 4-year-olds and correlastion among scores on the three tasks show that there is no correlation between the tower task assessing control and the two tasks that assessed analysis. The implications of the results are that aspects of symbolic development may be a broadly based process that extends beyond domain-specific boundaries.