Korean Journal of Child Studies 2005;26(1): 15-29.
이야기 구조에 따른 만 2, 3세 유아의 이야기 이해
김효영 , 이순형
Story Comprehension of 2- and 3-year-olds According to Story Structure
Hyo Young Kim , Soon Hyung Yi
This study investigated 2- and 3-year-olds` story comprehension by story structure. Sixty-eight children from day-care centers in Seoul and Kyunggi province were tested story comprehension about causal, noncausal, discontinuous story presented by pictures. Story comprehension included literal, inferential, & empathic comprehension. Data were analysed by ANOVA(repeated measure) and t-test. The result showed that 3-year-olds scored higher in literal and inferential comprehension than 2-year-olds. Children`s story comprehension(literal, inferential, & empathic) scores were higher in causal structure than discontinuous and noncausal structure.