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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 25(5); 2004 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2004;25(5): 11-27.
아동이 지각한 부모양육 행동과 아동의 행동문제간의 관계
정문자 , 김문정
Relationships Between Children`s Behavior Problems and Their Perceptions of Parental Childrearing Practices
Moon Ja Chung , Moon Jeong Kim
The relationship between children`s behavior problems and perceptions of their parents` childrearing behaviors was studied in 359 fourth graders. Children reported on perceptions of their parents` childrearing behaviors with the Childrearing Behavior Questionnaire (Park, 1995) and on their own behavior with the Korean Youth Self-Report (K-YSR; Oh, Lee, Hong, & Hah, 1997). Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, t-test, and hierarchical multiple regression. Results showed that girls viewed their fathers and mothers as more warm/accepting and their fathers as less rejecting/restricting than boys. Boys had more externalizing (aggressive/delinquent) behavior problems than girls. Children`s internalizing behavior problems were positively related to their perceptions of paternal and maternal rejection/restriction and permissive/non-interfering. The relationship was differed as a function of child`s sex. Children`s externalizing behavior problems were positively related to their perceptions of paternal and maternal rejection/restriction and paternal permissive/non-interfering. The relationship was differed as a function of child`s sex.
Key Words: warm/accepting childrearing behavior, permissive/non-interfering childrearing behavior, rejecting/restricting childrearing behavior, internalizing behavior problems, externalizing behavior problems
주요어: 온정, 수용 양육행동, 허용, 방임 양육행동, 거부, 제재 양육행동, 내면화 행동문제, 외현화 행동문제
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