Korean Journal of Child Studies 2003;24(6): 117-131.
보육실습이 예비보육교사의 보육효능감에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Practice on Student Teachers` Perceived Efficacy for Child Care and Teaching
Hyeon Jeong Hwan
This study investigated the effects of Child Care and Teaching(CCT) practice on student teachers`(N=361) perceived Efficacy for Child Care an Teaching(ECCT), including relationships between ECCT and generalized self-efficacy. Instruments were the ECCT scale, the generalized self-efficacy scale, and self-evaluation concerning CCT. Research design consisted of pre-test, CCT practices. and post-test. Results showed that ECCT scores increased after CCT practice: ECCT was related with generalized self-efficacy and to self-evaluation concerning CCT. These findings suggested that CCT experience is important to student teachers` perceived ECCT, and ECCT, in turn, is a predictor of actual CCT behavior.