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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 24(2); 2003 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2003;24(2): 1-14.
오정보와 심상 재연 단서가 아동의 회상 정확도에 미치는 영향
강민희 , 최경숙
The Effect of Misinformation and a Mental Reinstatement on Children`s Recall Accuracy
Min Hee Kang , Kyoung Sook Choi
In this test for the effect of misinformation and mental reinstatement on accuracy of recall in children, misinformation or neutral informations was presented to each of 80 five- and 80 nine - year - old children(Total : 160). Two days later they were asked to recall original information in one of two conditions; free recall or mental reinstatement. For 5-year-old children, mental reinstatement enhanced memory performance and increased the accuracy despite the presentation of misinformation. For 9-year-old children, there was no significant difference between free recall and mental reinstatement condition. For younger children, mental reinstatement may be an effective way of enhancing memory performance.
Key Words: misinformation, mental reinstatement, recall accuracy
주요어: 오정보, 심상재연, 회상 정확도
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