Korean Journal of Child Studies 2003;24(1): 33-45.
유아의 정서 지식과 대인간 문제 해결 전략 -시설보호 유아의 일반 유아의 비교-
이강이 , 성미영
Emotional Knowledge and Interpersonal Problem Solving Strategies in Institutionalized and Home-Reared Preschool Children
Kang Yi Lee , Mi Young Sung
The subjects of this comparison of institutionalized and home-reared preschool children`s emotional knowledge and interpersonal problem solving strategies were 38 institutionalized (23 boys and 15 girls) and 39 home-reared (15 boys and 24 girls) preschool children. Assessment of emotional knowledge consisted of identification tasks and situation tasks. Interpersonal problem solving included forceful, prosocial, and manipulative strategies. Results showed that institutionalized children were lower than home-reared children in emotional knowledge; that is, they had lower scores than home-reared children in situation task. Institutionalized children used more forceful strategies than home-reared children, and home-reared children used more prosocial strategies than institutionalized children. Emotional knowledge was positively related to their prosocial strategies and negatively related to forceful strategies.