배려지향적 도덕성과 정의지향적 도덕성에 관한 연구 : 성과 성역할 정체감 및 연령과의 관계를 중심으로
정옥분 , 곽경화
Care- and Justice-Oriented Morality : Relationships to Gender, Sex Role Identity, and Age
Qck Boon Chung , Kyung Hwa Kwag
This study investigated the relationships of care- and justice-oriented morality by gender and sex role identity among adolescents, and young and middle-aged adults. The subjects were 115 males and 125 females between 16 and 59 years of age. Instruments were the Ethic of Care Interview(ECI), the Korean Defining Issues Test(DIT), and the Korean Sex Role Inventory(KSRI). Age was found to be a significant factor in both care-and justice-oriented morality; that is, young and middle-aged adults demonstrated higher care-oriented morality than middle-aged adults. Females exhibited higher levels of care- and justice-oriented morality. A significant interaction effect was found between gender and age for justice-oriented morality.