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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 22(2); 2001 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2001;22(2): 133-147.
학령기 및 청소년기 시설 아동의 자아정체감
Ego - Identities of Institutionalized Children and Adolescents
An Jin Yoo,Ha Yeoung Min
This study examined whether the ego-identities of institutionalized children and adolescents differ by grade, gender, reason for and length of residence, age at entering the institution, parents` visiting, relationship with parents before entering the institution, and caretakers` emotional support. We assumed that the ego-identities of institutionalized children had an effect on social interactions. The subjects were 121 5th and 6th graders, 135 middle, and 85 high school students who were institutionalized in Seoul. As predicted, the ego-identities of institutionalized children and adolescents differed by grade, and by such social interactions as parents` visiting, relationship with parents before entering the institution, and caretakers` emotional support. Results support the importance of social interactions for understanding the ego-identities of institutionalized children and adolescents.
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