Korean Journal of Child Studies 2000;21(2): 83-97.
구성주의적 작문 수업이 아동의 작문수행에 미치는 효과
The Effects of Constructivist Instruction on Children's Writing Performance
Byeong Jae Kang,Hye Jin Kim
Ninety 6th graders were randomly assigned to an experimental or a control group in this 5 week study of the effects of constructivist instruction on writing performance. After the writing pre-test, the experimental group was treated with constructivist instruction while the control group was treated with a tradition procedure based on Joyce and Weil`s(1992) basic exercise model Instruction consisted of ten 40-minute sessions. The effectiveness of the constructivist instruction was tested by post-and retention-tests. Two raters scored the children`s writing by the analytical scale of Jin-Suk Won(1994). Results were analyzed by t-test. The writing performance and the retention scores of the experimental group were higher than that of the control group. The results of the sub-criteria scores showed significant effects on children`s understanding of contents and constructive performance.