Korean Journal of Child Studies 1999;20(1): 147-164.
애착의 세대간 전이 - 어머니의 내적 실행모델과 영아의 애착유형 -
Intergenerational Transmission of Attachment : Mothers Internal Working Model of Relationships and Infant Attachment Patterns
Mi Ja Jang,Bok Hee Choi
The purpose of this study was to investigate (1) intergenerational transmission from mother`s internal working model of relationships formed in her childhood and infant`s attachment patterns and (2) the associations among maternal working models, maternal sensitivity, and infant attachment patterns. The subjects were twenty 12- to 20-month-old infants and their mothers. The Adult Attachment Interview (1996) was used to assess mother`s internal work model of relationships. Interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Each dyad was videotaped in the modified Ainsworth Strange Situation(1978) and filmed for 3 minutes in the Questionaire Situation of Smith and Pederson (1988). Mothers were classified as autonomous(F), dismissing(Ds), preoccupied(E), or unresolved/disorganized(Ud). Infants were classified as secure(B), insecure-avoidant(A), or insecure-resistant(C). Exact A/B/C/D and Ds/F/E/Ud agreement was observed in 55% of the dyads. Maternal sensitivity was related to infant attachment patterns but not to maternal working models.