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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 20(1); 1999 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 1999;20(1): 115-133.
부부갈등과 아동의 행동문제
Martial Conflict and Children's Behavior Problems
Young Ock Kwon,Jung Duk Lee
The present study focused on the potentially adverse consequences for children of martial conflict from the children`s perspective. Children`s perception of martial conflict was analyzed by relationship to behavior problems (assessed by the parents) and demographic variables (child`s sex and age, parents` education, father`s occupation, mother`s employment, mother`s age and family income). Children`s perception of martial conflict varied by child`s age and sex, parents` education, father`s occupation, mother`s age, and family income. On the other hand, behavior problems of children varied not by child`s age and sex but by parents` education, father`s occupation, family income, and mother`s age. Behavior problems of children varied by child`s perception of martial conflict and by frequency of martial conflict and self-blame. Correlations between children`s perception of martial conflict and behavior problems varied by child`s age and sex.
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