부부갈등과 아동의 행동문제 |
권영옥,이정덕 |
Martial Conflict and Children's Behavior Problems |
Young Ock Kwon,Jung Duk Lee |
Abstract |
The present study focused on the potentially adverse consequences for children of martial conflict from the children`s perspective. Children`s perception of martial conflict was analyzed by relationship to behavior problems (assessed by the parents) and demographic variables (child`s sex and age, parents` education, father`s occupation, mother`s employment, mother`s age and family income). Children`s perception of martial conflict varied by child`s age and sex, parents` education, father`s occupation, mother`s age, and family income. On the other hand, behavior problems of children varied not by child`s age and sex but by parents` education, father`s occupation, family income, and mother`s age. Behavior problems of children varied by child`s perception of martial conflict and by frequency of martial conflict and self-blame. Correlations between children`s perception of martial conflict and behavior problems varied by child`s age and sex. |