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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 20(1); 1999 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 1999;20(1): 79-97.
대물 다툼 상황에서 2세아의 또래 갈등 과정 분석
Processes in Peer conflicts of Two-Year-Olds : Disputes over Objects
Kang Yi Lee,Soon Hyung Yi
This study investigated interactions of two-year-old toddlers in peer conflicts caused by disputes over objects. Thirty pairs of same-gender peers were recruited from 10 child care centers. The age of these toddlers ranged from 24 to 36 months. The data were collected by experimental observation. The interaction processes between the pairs of subjects were recorded by video camera. 24 pairs displayed peer conflict over objects. The data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively employing content analysis and the SPSSW in 6.0. Major findings showed that when the toddler was in conflict with a peer for toys, (1) he or she interacted actively with the other child, employing both non-verbal and verbal strategies to resolve the conflict; (2) behaviors and statements reflected an egocentric tendency; (3) they recognized ownership of toys; and (4) he or she employed some prosocial strategies which could provide a basis for developing social skills in a conflict situations with peers.
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