Korean Journal of Child Studies 1995;16(1): 79-88.
컴퓨터 교육이 7 - 8세 아동의 인지 발달에 미치는 효과 : 피아제의 인지 발달 단계가 훈련에 의해 향상될 수 있는가 ?
The Effects of Computer Programming Training on the Cognitive Development of 7 - to 8 - year - old Children.
Kwee Ock Lee
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the experience of computer programming in Logo geometry advances the development of young children`s concepts and/or representation of Euclidian spatial relations, particularly their concepts of the vertical-horizontal. Papert`s claim of the positive effects of Logo programming experiences on young children`s cognitive development was tested using the Piagetian Water Level Test (PWLT), the Free Hand Drawing Test (FHDT), and the Computer Drawing Test (CDT). Forty-four subjects were drawn from 2nd graders attending a public elementary school in Ithaca. The subjects were divided into 2 groups: a treatment group (TG) with Logo training for 10 weeks and a control group (CG) without Logo training. Our results showed that TG did not make any significant improvement on PWLT. In contrast, TG outperformed CG on FHDT. We suggested several possible explanations for this contradiction.