Korean Journal of Child Studies 1995;16(1): 49-64.
유아의 장독립성 - 장의존성 인지양식에 따른 사회 , 인지적 놀이형태에 관한 연구
조부경, 장선화
Social and Cognitive Play Patterns in Terms of Young Children's Cognitive Styles
Boo Kyung Cho,Sun Hwa Jang
The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in social play, cognitive play, and social-cognitive play patterns as related to young children`s field independence-dependence cognitive styles. Sixteen field independent and sixteen field dependent children were selected from a group of 79 young children with the use of Preschool Embedded Figures Test(PEFT). Their social play, cognitive play, and social-cognitive play patterns were observed. The data collected for this study were analyzed by using SPSS/PC^+; frequency, percentage and χ² test. The results of this study were that (1) difference of social play patterns as related to young children`s field independence-dependence cognitive styles was not found, (2) differences were found in cognitive play patterns as related to young children`s field independence-dependence cognitive styles, and (3) differences were found in social-cognitive play pattern as related to young children`s field independence-dependence cognitive styles.