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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 14(1); 1993 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 1993;14(1): 141-151.
유아의 내외통제 신념과 자아개념 및 성공적 수행에 대한 자기 - 귀인간의 관계 연구
우수경, 최기영
A Study on the Relations Among Children's Locus of Control , Self - Concept and Self - Attribution
Soo Kyeong Woo,Kee Young Choi
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relations among locus of control(LOC), self-concept and self-attribution in five-year-old children. The subjects were 107 five-year-old children attending 7 public kindergartens. Instruments used in this study were the Stanford Preschool Internal-External Scale (Mischel, Zeiss, & Zeiss, 1974), the Self-Concept Inventory (Joo Ree-bun, 1982), and puzzle-task employed by Burns et al. (1985). Data were analyzed by Pearson`s correlation coefficient and t-test. The results showed (1) significant correlations between the total LOC score and self-concept, (2) significant differences in the total LOC score between the internal self-attribution group and the external self-attribution group, and (3) significant differences in self-concept between the internal self-attribution group and the external self-attribution group.
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